Will Accelerated Mobile Pages Improve Google Ranking?
Wondering if Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) can be of any worth to your business? If YES, go through this article to get a precise idea on what all the things you can expect from implementing an AMP across your mobile site.
When Google started focusing on user-friendliness on mobile view and eventually made it one among the mobile search engine ranking factors, all the site owners have started running behind the faster mobile experience.
If the site is not loaded quickly on the mobile search engine, there will be a hiccup which may discourage the user to quit from the page. So it’s good to optimize your pages for mobile users.
I will take you through what an AMP is and how you can make it beneficial to your website’s mobile visitors.
What is an AMP?
Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) is an open-source coding standard for publishers. AMP helps publishers to load the site on mobile very quickly as the mobile responsiveness is clunky and slow due to the heaviness of desktop resources. When you do honest research we can understand that most of the elements of a desktop version of the website are unnecessary for the mobile version of the same.
It was initially implemented just for user experience, but the scenario is changed as Google is encouraging the websites to follow suit.
What is the difference between AMP and Non-AMP mobile browsing?
One of the starkest differences is that AMP pages don’t have plenty of stuff for a lot of advanced user experience. Everything is stripped-down.
• AMP forces you to implement a streamlined version of CSS. • Javascript is not at all allowed.
• You are forced to use an off-the-shelf Javascript library which forces your images to lazy load.
Speed plays an integral role in designing web pages. Data from Kissmetrics shows that more than 40% of web users bounce out from the site which takes more than 3 seconds to load.
According to Google, the AMP plugin cut down the load time between 15% and 85%.
Will Critchlow and Tom Anthony of Distilled, give a clear explanation of how the AMP plugin works and how to position your mobile pages to benefit from it in their British Whiteboard Friday.
This diagram and explanation, from WIll Critchlow’s Whiteboard Friday, simplify the process:
Benefits of Accelerated Mobile Pages
There is a significant relationship between site speed, page views, and mobile search engine ranking.
Whenever a particular page loads up more quickly, the mobile browser users will view more pages thereby reducing bounce rate.
When the bounce rate is reduced, Google will reward as the onsite experience increases.
Here are 4 top benefits to optimize with the AMP Plugin:-
1. Fast-loading websites
Speedy loading pages are the highlight in mobile search engines. Even if your content is impressive enough to convince the user, it won’t go well if the page loads too slow.
A one-second delay in mobile browser load time can lower conversion rate by 3.50%, reduce pageviews by 9.40% and increase bounce rate by up to 8.30%.
If your mobile pages are slow as a snail, you won’t convert targeted mobile browser users into customers. Get ready to experience a dramatic change in traffic once you implement AMP on site.
2) Improved mobile search engine ranking
There is a strong correlation between site speed and conversion rate. The site with good speed will generate more traffic to the site resulting in a higher conversion rate. Since the sites with mobile-friendly user interfaces are rewarded with the higher ranking in MRP (mobile result page), the chances of lead conversion increases.
3) Flexible Ads support
Most of the people maintain a website or a blog to get money. There are lots of distraction on a normal website, such as header image, social media icons, forms, popups and other unnecessary elements which can lower your conversion rate. But with AMP you can get rid of distractions on your mobile browser pages.
So, when you are displaying ads from third-party AMP, make sure to deliver ads that not only load quickly but also grab the user’s attention and deliver immense value.
If you’re ready to monetize your AMP-optimized pages, here are some of the most popular ad networks that are currently using the AMP-ads functionality:
• Amazon A9 • AdReactor • Google Doubleclick • Flite • Adform • Google AdSense • AOL AdTech • Taboola • plista • Smart AdServer • Yieldmo
• DotAndAds
4) User tracking made simple
Tracking users and the source to the site are pretty easier to track on AMP because there are analytics tools in place. With Accelerated Mobile Pages, publishers can utilize tag manager analytics to choose from two tags.
These tags help to automatically track essential data, such as visitor counts, new vs returning visitors, clicks/conversions, video and link tracking, and more.
In a nutshell, pages that are AMP-optimized rank better and faster and they most certainly convert more mobile page visitors into customers.
Take care not to miss implementation of accelerated mobile pages on the mobile version of your website. Contact us to implement AMP on the mobile version of your site. Also get advice from our digital marketers to be on the top of the mobile results page (MRP).
Originally published at www.bridge-global.com.