Masculinity in Time of Pandemic — Exploring Men’s Day in ‘New Normal’

Bridge Global
4 min readNov 19, 2020


Masculinity in Time of Pandemic

Hooray! The International Men’s Day is here.

The day dedicated to the masculine lot among us is unique in 2020. They have been through a different year and diverse experiences causing a chain of lifestyle and behavioral changes. (Disclaimer: Yes, we understand that COVID has shown gender equality in affecting everyone’s lives and livelihoods. But let’s focus more on the macho gender on this special day).

In this blog, we are exploring ‘masculinity in time of pandemic’ on a lighter note. Here is an effort to discover the impacts this pandemic-induced lock-down and the ‘new normal’ have imposed on the gentlemen at Bridge Global.

As a top software development company, we have lots of technologically brilliant gentlemen with us. We are proud about each one of them as they make a lot of difference in our daily lives. They exude positivity and radiance in their daily tasks and in their association with their colleagues and clients.

We’ve simply asked them to give a statement on things that they are able to do just because of the pandemic. And here are their responses.

Before we dive into that, let’s take a quick peek at what is this International Men’s Day all about.

A Quick Peek into the International Men’s Day

November 19th of every year is dedicated to celebrate the positive values that the menfolk bring to the world, their families and societies. It is that day of the year when we accentuate the positive role models belonging to this masculine gender. This is the day to spread awareness about men’s well-being.

The theme for this year’s Men’s Day is “Better health for Men and Boys”.
It is true that Men’s Day does not get adequate importance when compared to the day dedicated to the other ‘obvious’ group. Therefore, this year we’ve decided to make it special.

Finding New Purposes During Pandemic Lock-down

The gentlemen at Bridge are revealing how they’ve discovered their purpose in the otherwise unexplored/under explored areas.

There is no doubt that surfers and cyclists around the globe are having a great time in less crowded beaches and roads.

Farming and exercising have become many men’s biggest COVID lockdown love affair. It is indeed a great option to ward off the loneliness after the working hours. Both are great relaxing and rejuvenating activities.

Culinary is a great artistry that men enjoy. It’s a great sign that they are pitching in to share the domestic workload along with upgrading their cuisine skills.Ladies at home are getting some rest and enjoying meals prepared by their male counterparts.

We were expecting some gender diversity champions, but only a few of them seemed to try their hands on the regular boring household chores that the feminine tribe do on a daily basis.

Wrapping Up

This COVID-19 lock-down has been a time to expand the view of what it means to be masculine. Now as the lock-down restrictions are being released, we hope that the men will stick to the healthy habits that they’ve acquired during this crucial time in history.

